Wednesday, June 19, 2013

42. Tea

Tea can’t solve
all my problems. It
can only delay
them for a very short time.

There is still a
universe that I must deal
with and do
not want to acknowledge.

There are still
people I have to talk
to and do
not want to think about.

There is still
my life I have to deal
with and do
not want to remember exists.

I do not want to remember that
the world is confusion
and I am a single note in its

I do not want to remember that
I am a part of a thing
I hate and that there is not a
way out of it
save death and delusion

            do you hear me and why I do not want to
            see anything beyond this
            tiny field of vision that keeps
            sight itself out-of-sight
            because I do not understand it
            and it does not make sense
            and yet it expects me to
            make sense for it
            I do not like the things I am seeing
            I do not like the things I am doing
            I do not like

I do not want to remember the
fact that there is anything
at all except for my
mind that I am trying to ignore

and my cup of tea.

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